Gheos Worldguide | MeteoWeather | World Destinations | Contact | Search15 October 2024
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After destructive hurricane Helene, the U.S. state of Florida is now preparing for the arrival hurricane Milton.

It is thought that Milton woll make landfall on Tuesday 8 September. Some people believe that Milton is even more dangerous than the revious hurricane.

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On 8 September, it was reported that in 2023, some 6.3 million hectres of forest has been los worldwide, due to fires, illegal logging and the removal of trees to make room for agriculture and roads.

Most forest was lost in tropical regions. In 2021, it was agreed that deforestation should be stopped completely in 2030, but these goals will not be met if it continues at the current rate.

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On 30 September Switzerland and Italy have agreed on a border-correction between the two countries.

The border runs exactly across mountain tops formed by ice. Global warming has melted these and the icy mountain tops now sit in different positions.

Between 1940 and 2000 the border has shifted 100-150m and that's why the official border has to be corrected.

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United States

Hurricane Helena has caused at least 91 fatalities in southern U.S. states. Another 1,000 people are still unaccounted for.

On 30 September it was reported that the hurricane has caused power outsges, flooding and destroyed houses.

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United States


The Chinese city of Shanghai is preparing for hurricane Bebinca. Meteorologists believe it will be region's strongest hurricane in 75 years.

Some 400,000 people have been evacuated and hundreds if flights have been cancelled.

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Forest fires in Portugal have caused 3 fatalities on 17 September.

The largest fire rages south of Porto.

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Central Europe has experienced heavy rains that caused flooding and landslides. Thousands of people have been evacuated and more rain is predicted.

Affected countries include Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

16 deaths have been reported as of 17 September. In Austria, Poland and Czechia, dams have collapsed.

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Destination of the week

On these pages a different destination will be highlighted every week. Sometimes it's a tourist trap like one of the Spanish resorts; sometimes we will bring you detailed information on some more exotic places.

This week we will have a closer look at South AfricaSouth Africa

South Africa is one of Africa's most interesting countries to visit. It boasts a wide variety of landscapes and cultures. The country's infrastructure is excellent and there are few better places to see Africa's wildlife.

The steady value-loss of the country's currency, the Rand, has a positive effect for foreign visitors: South Africa is very cheap at the moment!

During the summer temperatures can be uncomfortably high, especially in the lowveld. South Africa's northeast can be very humid, while the west of the country has a desert-like climate. The eastern coast is excellent for beach holidays; water temperatures are very pleasant all year round. On the west coast you might run into penguins as the Atlantic Ocean is freezing cold any time of year.

Spring is the best time to visit the wine and flower regions of the Northern and Western Cape provinces, while winters are mild, although occasional snowfall occurs in the higher mountains.

Although the segregation of society is still extreme and crime rates soar in the larger cities, South Africa's natural beauty and climate make it well worth a visit.

Click on the images to learn more about this interesting destination. A map of South Africa will open full-screen. Just click on towns and places you want to know more about.

Next week: Belarus

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11Koumbi Saleh0.69%
13Nyanga National Park0.69%
15Central African Republic0.69%


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Global warming could doom hundreds of land plants and animals to extinction over the next 50 years by marooning them in harsh, changed surroundings, scientists warn.

A sweeping new analysis enlisting scientists from 14 laboratories around the globe found that more than one-third of 1103 native species they studied could vanish or plunge to near extinction by 2050 as climate change turns plains into deserts or alters forests.

Among the already threatened species that could go extinct are Australia's Boyd's forest dragon, Europe's azure-winged magpie and Mexico's Jico deer mouse.

The researchers concede there are many uncertainties in both climate forecasts and the computer models they used to forecast future extinctions. But they said their dire conclusions may well come to pass if industrial nations do not curtail emissions of greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.