Mansourah (لمنصورة)

Mansourah (لمنصورة)

Mansourah means 'the victorious' in Arabic. It is a town in Tlemcen Province in the northwest of Algeria. The town started as the camp where Merinid sultan Abou Yacoub settled his army in 1299, when he besieged nearby Tlemcen.

The area around Mansourah consist of olive groves. They contain the remains of the fortified city in the form of ruined 12m-high walls.

The main sight there is the remains of the Mansourah Mosque, which was rebuilt by Sultan Abou el-Hassan of Fès when he besieged Tlemcen in 1335. The prayer hall measures 60x55m, but the most impressive part of the mosque is its 40m-tall minaret. It is a twin of the Tour Hassan in Rabat, as well as the Giralda in Seville. The inner parts of the minaret have collapsed, leaving a vulnerable and evocative shell.

The walls of a castle and its tower are better preserved. All of the above are included in Tlemcen National Park.

There are several hotels ans restaurants in Mansourah.

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Miscellaneous Information

Latitude:    n/a
Longitude: n/a
Elevation:  n/a

Population: 50,000
Cost-of-living compared to Washington D.C.: n/a

Hours from UTC: 1
Daylight savings time: n/a

City phone code: n/a
Country phone code: n/a

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