Tiraspol (Тираспол)

Tiraspol (Тираспол)

Tiraspol is the third-largest city of Moldova. It serves as the capital for the breakaway region of Transnistria. The city was founded by Russian general Alexander Suvorov in 1792, on the eastern bank of the Dniester River.

The city's central square features a statue of Alexander Suvorov, which was placed there in 1979 to commemorate the city's 250th anniversary. Also on the central square is a statue of Vladimir Lenin, which can be found in front of the Transnistrian Government building. On the other side of the square stands an old Soviet T-34 tank that commemorates the Soviet victory in World War II.

On the right bank of the Dniester River is the historic Tighina Fortress. The Noul Neamt Monastery boasts beautiful golden domes. The New Martyr Russian Orthodox church is a wooden building. A popular retreat is Shevchenko Park.

Paintings, sculptures and historic artifacts can be seen at the National Art Museum, which is housed in a Soviet-era building.

Tiraspol is 70 km southeast from Chisinau.


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