

Xining is the capital of China's Qinghai province. The area around the city is mostly inhabited by Han settlers.The city is in the Huangshui River Valley, which is also known as Tsongkha.

There are several interesting sites in Xining, including the scenic Dongguan Mosque and the Xining Aquarium.

The Ta'er Monastery, some 26 km southeast of town, is also worth a visit. It is one of the six great monasteries of the Yellow Hat sect of Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery is decorated with sculptures of human figures and animals, as well as landscapes carved out of yak butter.

Another interesting place to visit is Qinghai Hu, the largest lake in China. It is about 140 km west of town.

There are several hotels and restaurants in town. Xining is 1310 km southwest of Beijing. It has good rail connections with Lhasa in Tibet, as well as high-speed rail connections with Lanzhou, Gansu and Ürümqi.


Miscellaneous Information

Latitude:    36°37' N
Longitude: 101°46' E
Elevation:  2,275 m (7,464 ft)

Population: 2,500,000
Cost-of-living compared to Washington D.C.: n/a

Hours from UTC: 8
Daylight savings time: n/a

City phone code: n/a
Country phone code: 86

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