

Anchorage was founded at the head of the Cook Inlet in 1915 as construction headquarters for the Alaska railroad. It grew as a railroad town and also became a fishing center, a market and supply point for gold-mining regions to the north and the metropolis for the coal mining and farming of the Matanuska valley. During World War II, the two large military bases of Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base were established, causing a massive growth of air and rail traffic. In the late 1950's, oil was discovered in the Cook Inlet. That, and the discovery of massive petroleum and natural gas reserves in the Prudhoe Bay region in 1968, more than quadrupled the city's population. In 1964, Anchorage suffered severe damage in a large earthquake.

Nowadays, Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska. It is the administrative and commercial center of the south-central and western parts of the state. Anchorage is also one of the key defense centers in the United States and a vital transportation hub. Glenn Highway connects the city to the Alaska Highway and the Parks Highway. The international airport is a regular stop on intercontinental and transpolar flights. Anchorage is also the headquarters for the major oil and gas companies in Alaska. Tourism has also increased dramatically, largely due to improvements in transportation and the creation of numerous national parks.

Places of interest include Earthquake Park and several notable museums. The annual Iditarod Race starts from Anchorage and a 'Fur Rendezvous' winter carnival is held in the city every year. Anchorage is the seat of Alaska Pacific University and has a campus of the University of Alaska. Portage Glacier and Lake Hood are nearby and Mount McKinley, which is also known as Denali, is visible from the city.

There are many hotels and restaurants in Anchorage. The city is in the south of Alaska, 920 km west of Juneau and 5260 km northwest of Washington D.C.

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