Gobi Desert

Gobi Desert

According to legend, the Gobi Desert was created when a Mongolian chief, who was skilled in the art of black magic, was forced to leave his town when the Chinese army conquered it. When he fled, he uttered 'black words' and the land shriveled up and died behind him, leaving nothing for the Chinese but a moribund and arid land.

In towns all over the region, such mythic tales can be heard.

Because of Ghengis Khan, Mongolians got a reputation of being unreconstructed barbarians. In reality they are a cultured race for whom hospitality is not only a point of etiquette but a matter of survival. The harsh desert conditions have long meant relying on the goodwill of others and reciprocating such hospitality. Marco Polo was one of the first Europeans to see Mongolia and the Gobi Desert back in the 13th century. Nowadays the trip is much easier, but it can still be complicated and arduous. The Gobi Desert covers a large area of southern Mongolia and northeastern China. The desert is mostly comprised of barren expanses of gravel plains and rocky outcrops.

During the summer, temperatures can easily rise to 40°C (104°F), but in winter they can drop to -40°C (-40°F) just as easy. The Gobi Desert is home to a variety of interesting wildlife, including khulan (wild asses), rare Saiga antelopes, untamed takhi horses, the Gobi bear (world's only desert bear), ibex, snow leopard, wolves, exotic Bactrians (two-humped camels) and some gazelles, which are usually only found in eastern Mongolia. Nomadic Mongolian shepherds move in the region between Altanbulag in Mongolia and Beijing in China.

The Gobi Desert is a haven for paleontologists and archaeologists, as dinosaur remains can be found in many places. Some fossilized remains lie only several inches from the surface and are easily dug up. If you are interested in dinosaurs, horses, history, open spaces and spectacular scenery, then you should definitely visit the Gobi Desert.

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