Little Rock

Little Rock

Little Rock is a river port and the administrative, commercial, transportation and cultural center of Arkansas. The settlement of Little Rock was a well-known river crossing when Arkansas Territory was established in 1819. It became territorial capital in 1821 and state capital when Arkansas entered the Union in 1836. During the Civil War, in 1863, the battle of Little Rock was fought there. Little Rock got world attention in 1957, when federal troops were sent there to enforce a 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling against segregation in the public schools.

There are several interesting sights in Little Rock, including the beautiful old statehouse, which served as capitol from 1836 to 1910. The present capitol building was built in 1911. One of the best museums in town is the Arkansas Arts Center. Little Rock is the seat of Philander Smith College, Shorter College, Arkansas Baptist College and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, as well as several other branches of the university, including the law and medical schools. The city also contains several state institutions and has a noteworthy symphony orchestra. Little Rock Air Force Base is in nearby Jacksonville. Little Rock's industries process agricultural products, fish, beef, poultry and bauxite and timber. Its manufacturing industries are closely related with those of North Little Rock across the Arkansas River.

There are many hotels and restaurants in town. Little Rock is 1445 km southwest of Washington D.C.

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