Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe is the main island of the Lord Howe archipelago. It measures 11 km by 2.5 km and it is covered by heavy forest. The island offers some nice beaches, a coral reef and a lagoon, which offers good snorkeling possibilities. Surfing is possible at Blinky Beach and there are many walking trails, as most inhabitants get around on foot or by bicycle. There are some cars, but the speed limit is only 25 km/h, so you might as well bike, as it is faster. The island is an administrative part of New South Wales.

The southern part of Lord Howe Island is dominated by Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, both of which are over 800 m high.

Accommodation is available, but you should book in advance. Accommodation is expensive and camping is not allowed. Lord Howe Island is about 600 km northeast from Sydney and some 900 km northeast of Canberra. Flights are available from Brisbane and Sydney.

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