

Mazar-i-Sharif is the capital of Afghanistan's Balkh Province and the major commercial center of the Turkestan region. The city's main sight is the 15th-century Blue Mosque. The mosque boasts beautiful cobalt blue and turquoise minarets and is said to contain the tomb of the caliph Ali, the son-in-law of the prophet and founder of Islam, Muhammed. The mosque has attracted countless pilgrims ever since it was built.

Mazar-i-Sharif is one of the places in Afghanistan where the wild game of Buzkashi is frequently organized. Buzkashi is Afghanistan's national sport. It is played on a large field that measures about 2 km (1.2 miles). Two teams of chapandoz, or riders try to transport the boz, the headless body of a calf from one end of the field to the other. Since the competitors are known to do almost anything to prevent the boz from being moved, the game is extremely rough.

There are several hotels in Mazar-i-Sharif. The city lies in northern Afghanistan, some 300 km northwest of Kabul, not far from the border with Uzbekistan.

Because of the current situation in Afghanistan it is not recommended to travel to Mazar-i-Sharif, or any other destination in Afghanistan at this moment.

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Miscellaneous Information

Latitude:    n/a
Longitude: n/a
Elevation:  n/a

Population: 200,000
Cost-of-living compared to Washington D.C.: n/a

Hours from UTC: 4:30
Daylight savings time: n/a

City phone code: n/a
Country phone code: 93

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Hotels in Mazar-i-Sharif

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