The site of a Native American village called Sho-quo-quon, which means 'Flint Hills', in southeastern Iowa, was selected for a fort in 1805. European settlement began there in 1833. Burlington became the temporary capital of Wisconsin Territory in 1837 and of Iowa Territory between 1838 and 1840.
The Burlington Hawk-Eye was one of the first newspapers that was published in Iowa. It is still published today and it is one of the oldest newspapers in the state. Burlington sits on four hills overlooking the Mississippi River. The city has several nice parks along the river. Burlington is a farm, shipping and manufacturing center with railroad shops and docks. The Mississippi is spanned by rail and highway bridges at Burlington.
Burlington's Snake Alley is the most winding street in the world.
There are several hotels and restaurants in town. Burlington is 230 km southeast from Des Moines and 1230 km west from Washington D.C.