Cape Coast

The fishing port of Cape Coast is the first city you'll get to on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, when travelling from Accra to the west. The city was originally called Oguaa, while later it was known as Kotokuraba. In 1471, Portuguese explorers named it Cabo Corso. This is where the name Cape Coast is derived from. From the 16th century onwward, the region around Cape Coast changed hands between the British, the Portuguese, the Swedish, the Danish and the Dutch.

Cape Coast is easily recognized for the Cape Coast Castle in the town's center. The castle was built by the Swedes in 1652 for the slave trade. After that the town became the headquarters of the British colonial administration, until the capital was moved to Accra in 1876. You can visit the castle, to get an idea of the horrendous conditions in which the slaves were kept. There is also a small museum in the castle.

There are two forts in Cape Coast, Fort Victoria that dates from 1702 and Fort William, which was built in 1820. Fort William used to be a lighthouse from 1835 up to the 1970's.

The mascot of Cape Coast is a 'crab'. For this reason a statue of a crab can be found in the city center. The city's main market is Kotokuraba Market. Some of the other interesting sites in Cape Coast include various Asafo shrines and the Cape Coast Centre for National Culture.

The Oguaa Fetu Afahye festival is held every year on the first Saturday of September, while the Panafest theatre festival is organised every other year.

Cape Coast is a good place to stay if you want to visit Kakum National Park, which is 30 km to the north.

The center of Cape coast is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Accommodation and restaurants are available in Cape Coast.

Current weather


Cape Coast ©Omoniyi David
Cape Coast ©Omoniyi David

Boats on the beach ©Ingeborg Korme
Boats on the beach ©Ingeborg Korme

Cape Coast Castle ©Andrew Molo
Cape Coast Castle ©Andrew Molo

View from Cape Coast Castle ©Ingeborg Korme
View from Cape Coast Castle ©Ingeborg Korme

Fishing boats on the beach ©Orva Studio
Fishing boats on the beach ©Orva Studio

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