Chyulu Hills

The Chyulu Hills is a volcanic mountain range in the southeast of Kenya. Its highest peak is 2,188 m above sea level. The hills consists of several hundred small flows and cones.

Volcanism started around 1.4 million years ago in the northern part of the hills. Tectonic activity moves the African plate, or Nubian plate, to the northwest, which in turn causes volcanism to slowly move towards the southeast. The last 2 eruptions of the Shaitani and Chainu volcanoes occurred in 1856.

The 11 km long Leviathan Cave, which is located in the Chyulu Hills, is an ancient lava tube. The Chyulu hills sit between the Tsavo and Amboseli plains.

The eastern flank of the Chyulu Hills were designated the Chyulu Hills National Park in 1983, while the western flank is part of the West Chyulu Game Conservation, which is owned by the Maasai people.


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Chyulu Hills ©Isaac Mugwe
Chyulu Hills ©Isaac Mugwe

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