Köneürgenç (Konye-Urgench, کؤنه‌‌اۆرگنچ)

Köneürgenç, formerly known as Konye-Urgench (Old Urgench), is the location of the ancient town of Gurgānj, which was the most important city for Islam during a short period in the 13th century. It was the main city of the ancient state of Khorezm, which included the entire Amu-Darya delta, which is nowadays covered by northern Turkmenistan and western Uzbekistan.

Gurgānj's period of glory didn't last very long, because the city's leader antagonized Genghiz Khan, who then flattened the city. After the sacking, Gurgānj rose to glorious heights again, but at the end of the 14th century it was destroyed once again, this time by Timur. Gurgānj never got back to its old level again and in the 18th century, it was abandoned altogether. Nowadays it's a rundown place.

Gurgānj is still worth a visit though, because of numerous interesting ancient buildings that survived marvelously.

The ruins of Gurgānj were inscribed into UNESCO's list of world heritage sites in 2005.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Köneürgenç. The city is in the north of Turkmenistan, 500 km north of Ashgabat. Trains from the capital run as far as Dashkhowuz, after which you will have to take the bus to get to Köneürgenç.

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