
Vigo is Galicia's most populated city, as well as the region's most important port. The city's historic quarter is very charming and well preserved.

There are several interesting sites in Vigo. They include:

Most of Vigo's museums were founded in the 1990's. Among them are:

Numerous Roman ruins can be seen in Vigo. There are also many nice beaches in the vicinity.

There are various hotels, restaurants and bars in Vigo. The city is 470 km northwest of Madrid and only 30 km from the border with Portugal. Vigo has good road and rail connections with the rest of Spain and Portugal.


Current weather


Vigo ©Jordi Vich Navarro
Vigo ©Jordi Vich Navarro

Vigo ©Alejandro Piñero Amerio
Vigo ©Alejandro Piñero Amerio

Castelo do Castro ©Jordi Vich Navarro
Castelo do Castro ©Jordi Vich Navarro

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