Cat Island

Cat is one of The Bahamas' islands, which is least affected by tourism. Its inhabitants practice Obeah, as well as bush medicine and largely make their living from basketry. Cat Island boasts some beautiful pink-sand beaches along its Atlantic coast, while the lee-side (western coast) has countless creeks. The island's interior is largely covered with swamps, mangroves, scrub and mahogany forest. One of Cat Island's most interesting towns is New Bight, near the southern end of the island. The nearby Armbrister Creek is a mangrove estuary that can be explored by canoe, which are rented at the Fernandez Bay Village resort, not far from there. The creek leads to a beautiful lake called Boiling Hole, because it bubbles and churns under certain tidal conditions. According to legend the bubbles are caused by a monster in the lake. The only 'monsters' you will see are baby sharks and rays cruising the lake's sandy bottom.

Accommodation is available in many towns all over Cat Island.


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