
Chamba has been ruled by a dynasty of maharajas since the 10th century and there are numerous remainders of this period in town. Many of the artifacts discovered are on display in the town's museum. An old palace can also be visited. The people living in the area belong to the Gaddis. They are shepherds who move their flocks up to higher pastures in the summer and back down during the winter. Trade with other villages in the area provides the population's neccesities.

Most people come to Chamba for its Hindu temples. The Lakshmi Narayan complex consists of six temples and is one of the oldest structures in Chamba. The Minjar festival is held every year in August. During the festival, a picture of Lord Raghuvira is carries on palinquins, together with those of several gods and goddesses.

Chamba sits on a ledge above the Ravi River in northeastern Himachal Pradesh, 440 km north of Delhi.


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