Four Holy Peaks

Ulaanbaatar is surrounded by the Bogdkhan Uul range. THe mountains include four peaks that are regarded holy by Buddhists. The four peaks roughly correspond with the 4 points on the compass and are called Tsetseegum, Chingeltei, Songino Khairkhan and Bayansurkh. They are covered with forests and grasslands, which makes then excellent for hiking. Wildlife in the are includes ibex, sable and many more animals, such as numerous bird species.

The highest of the four peaks in the Tsetseegum Uul. It dominates the skyline of southern Ulaanbaatar and it is 2260 m (7400 feet) high. It can be climbed between June and October (the rest of the year the weather is too unreliable) and a permit must be obtained at the entrance of the Bogdkhan National Park, some 15 km (9 miles) south of the capital

The easiest way to get to the summit of the Tsetseegum is via the southern Manzshir Khiid Route. Along the route you will come through meadows and fields of rock boulders. You will also see numerous ovoos, piles of stones that were put there as offerings to the gods. The Zaisan Route is the most scenic one, but it is very steep all the way and quite difficult. Don't forget to bring you own supplies, including plenty of water, food, as well as a compass and warm, waterproof clothing, as weather conditions can change suddenly. You should also bring a tent and sleeping bag.

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