How to...(FAQ)?

Exit World Atlas
From the Atlas menu, select exit. You can also click on the closeat the top-right of the World Guide, or use ALT + F4
Print a map
From the Atlas menu, select Print this page


Measure distances
At the bottom of each map the word Distance is shown. Click on it and 2 pointers will appear.
Drag one pointer to a position on the map, release it and then drag the other pointer to another position on the map.
The distance between the two pointers can be read in the text field at the bottom of the map
Note: distances are measured in a straight line between the two pointers
From the Options menu, select Distance measuring to toggle between km and miles as unit of calculation
See statistics
At the bottom of each map you can click on the word statistics
The latest available statistical information will be shown
To obtain statistics from an earlier period, select the desired year from the drop down box
Search for a place
From the Search menu, select Find
In the search-box, type the place that you're looking for
If it is available it will be in a list of places that match your search
If your search matches exactly one place only, that place will automatically be shown

You can also search from the search box at the bottom-left of the World Guide
Play a national anthem
At the bottom of each map you can click on the word Symbols
You can also click on the flag at the top of each map
All (National) symbols belonging to the country on the map will be shown
Click on the player to play the National Anthem belonging to the map
Download FREE maps
From the Options menu, select Download Files
If you didn't register yet you will be asked to enter a user name and a password.
After registering you will be transferred to the download site automatically
Put the World Guide
on your homepage
On the place in your homepage where you want to add a link to the World Guide, insert this line of HTML code:
<script src=""></script>
A small, clickable World Atlas logo will appear on your homepage
Put Country Maps
on your homepage
On the place in your homepage where you want to add a big map like the ones used in this atlas, insert those 2 lines of HTML code:
<script>var gheosmap='THECOUNTRY';</script>
<script src=""></script>

Replace THECOUNTRY with the name of the desired county-map (examples: Germany, United States)
Don't forget the two quotes ' around it

For more tricks and tips, please refer to the User Guide

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