User Guide 1

On these pages we will explain all the features available in Gheos World Atlas.

Please take your time to read this as it will save a lot of hassle
(it's only 7 small pages)

The 'main' page of this atlas is the 'atlas'-page. You can get to this page from almost every other page in Gheos World Guide.
You can also get to this page by clicking the word Atlas in the list on the left-side of this page.

help On the top-left of this page you can see a small Gheos World Guide logo, just like
<<< this one shown here on the left.

Move your mouse-pointer over it and links to the continents will appear.
                                                    As shown here on the right >>>

The small worldmap that appears, serves as a sunclock that shows in realtime where on earth it is light and where it is dark.

Click on the desired continent and the continent map will appear.

On the continent map you can then select the desired country.

Go to the Main page | Go to the Next page >>

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