Religions - Islamic



Islam began around 600 AD in present day Saudi Arabia.


Prophet Mohammed.


The Qu'ran


Over one billion, mostly in the Middle East, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, China and Eastern Europe.


There are two main divisions within Islam. The Sunnis are followers of the political successors of Mohammed. The Shiites are followers of Mohammed's family successors, all martyred at an early age.


Islam means 'submission', surrender to the will of God, called Allah. Those who submit are called Muslims. Islam is based upon five "pillars," or principle acts of faith to which every Muslim in the world adheres. These are:

  1. Faith in Allah: 'There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His Prophet'.

  2. Praying five times daily: kneeling in the direction of Mecca, the holy city.

  3. Giving of alms: a share of each Muslim's income is given to support the mosque and the poor.

  4. Fasting: throughout Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, the faithful fast from sunrise to sunset.

  5. Pilgrimage: the binding force of the peoples who have embraced Islam. At least once in life every believer must go to Mecca, the holy city.

Islam teaches absolute monotheism and Mohammed's primacy as God's last Prophet on earth. Stress is on the brotherhood of believers, none-difference of religious and secular life, obedience to God's Law, abstinence from alcohol, good conduct and the limitation of all except Allah. Today Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion.

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