Île de Gorée (Gorée Island)

Île de Gorée (Gorée Island)

© Roy Digital Design

Île de Gorée is a very small island 3 km (2 miles) off Dakar's eastern coast. It has only about 1000 inhabitants and, although it is close to Dakar (only a 20-minutes boat ride), it has a completely different, mellow atmosphere. There are no roads and no cars on the island. Most buildings are colonial style. The island was one of the first French settlements in Africa and used as a slaving station.

The IFAN Historical Museum sits at the northern end of Île de Gorée. It has excellent exhibitions on Senegal's history. Other museums on the island include the Musée Maritime and the Musée de la Femme (Museum of Women). Le Castel is an elevated rock plateau the provides good views over the island and Dakar.

Most people come to Île de Gorée to visit the Maison des Esclaves (Slave House). It was built in 1786 and used as outpost during the slave trade. Although there is little to see, it is still a grim reminder of one of the darkest periods in Senegal's history.

Ferries to the island leave from the jetty near Dakar's railway station. On Île de Gorée, souvenirs can be bought from the tourist market near the ferry ramp. The island has several good beaches.


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