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Fethiye is a very popular destination for tourists and boasts an important marina at the head of a beautiful bay strewn with islands. A hill crowned by the ruins of the crusader fortress built by the Knights of Rhodes overlooks the little port. Above the town (called Telmessos in antiquity), numerous Lycian rock tombs, reproducing the facades of ancient temples, were cut into the cliff face. In the Fethiye Museum you can see ancient artifacts of civilizations that have lived in the area, the oldest of which were the Lycians. they built the Tomb of Amyntas around 350 BC.

Other nearby historical sites include the ancient city of Kadyanda (Cadyanda), the abandoned Greek village of Kayaköy, the diving site of Afkule, Gemiler, Aya Nikola, Çalış Beach area, Hisarönü, Ovacık and Ölüdeniz.

In Ölüdeniz is a beautiful lagoon with crystal clear water called the Blue Lagoon. It is ideal for swimming and other water sports. The Blue Lagoon has one of the most stunning natural surroundings in the world. At Mount Baba (1969 m), you can paraglide into the area of the Blue Lagoon. The Butterfly Valley is also very interesting.

About 6km (4 miles) off shore from Fethiye is the island of Kızılada, a popular destination for boat trips. It also boasts good diving sites. The lighthouse on the island doubles as a hostel and restaurant.

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