Greenville (Ohio)

Greenville (Ohio)

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General Anthony Wayne built a fort at the location of present-day Greenville in 1792. Three years later he negotiated a treaty with Native Americans, who relinquished a large part of their land in the old Northwest Territory. Later, the fort was abandoned and settlement of Greenville began around 1808. In Greenville you can see a memorial that marks the site where the treaty was signed. In the rotunda of the state capitol hangs the famous mural depicting the event.

The Bear's Mill is a good example of a 19th-century stonegrinding flour mill. It was constructed in 1849. There are several museums in the city. St. Clair Memorial Hall was built in 1910 is an interesting art center.

Greenville sits in a farm area in western Ohio, 140 km west from Columbus and 660 km west from Washington D.C.


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