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Narok is a small town in the heart of Maasai-land, about two and a half hours southwest from Nairobi. Narok town is the capital of Narok-district and home to the Maasai Education Discovery community center. The town has a diverse population of about 40,000 people. The Maasai people are the original inhabitants of the area, but most of the businesses in town are owned by other ethnic groups that migrated into the areas from other parts of Kenya. Like most places in Kenya, Narok is an very friendly town.

Narok is frequented by tourists on their way to the Maasai Mara National Park. The Maasai Mara is about 40 km (30 miles) south of the town. Just a few kilometers away from Narok are several traditional Maasai villages and homesteads. In the area you will also find an abundance of wildlife. One problem the area faces is frequent water shortages. Because Narok lies in the center of a rural area, the market has always fresh produce. There are plenty of grocery stores and small restaurants in town as well. Trips to both the Mara and to Nairobi are inexpensive and simple bus-rides away. The town is safe but because it does not have streets lights, it gets very dark at night. Narok has electricity, telephone and running water, sort of Â…although water shortages are frequent and people have to use donkeys to carry water into their homes and businesses. The town is very busy and in recent years, its economy has grown exponentially. However, Narok could do with some physical planning.

Accommodation and restaurants are available in town. Transportation to the Maasai Mara and Nairobi is also easily found.


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