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Alofi is the capital of Niue, a tiny island-state in the Pacific Ocean. Alofi is not much more than a single street that stretches for several kilometers along the island's western coast. Along the waterfront are several traditional canoe-landing spots. One of them is Opaahi Landing, where Captain Cook attempted unsuccessfully to come ashore in 1744.

There are some nice beaches in the vicinity of Alofi, of which the ones at Utuko and Omahi are the best. The reef off the coast from Alofi is excellent for scuba diving and snorkeling. The Chimney, Opaahi and Faka Laina, or Toilet Bowl, dives are the most interesting. Underwater you will see a series of gullies, ravines, chasms, caves and reef ridges, all inhabited by magnificently colored species of fish and other sea-animals.

At the Huanaki Cultural Center, you can learn about the country's history and culture, while the Ekalesia Church on Tomb Point is one of Niue's most interesting churches. Outside of the church are two headstones that mark the graves of Tuitoga and Fataaiki, two island kings, who ruled Niue from 1876 to 1887 and from 1888 to 1896 respectively.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Alofi.

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