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The 100 or so temples of Angkor are Cambodia's most important tourist attraction. The temples are the sacred remains of what once was an important administrative and religious center. They were built between the 9th and 13th centuries by successive Khmer kings in order to show off their power and wealth. In the 15th century most of Angkor was abandoned and forests started to cloak the temples.

At the end of the 19th century the site was 'discovered' by French naturalist Henri Mouhot and after he published Voyage à Siam et dans le Cambodge, efforts were undertaken to clear away the vegetation that threatened to destroy the monuments completely. Restoration efforts are still continuing.

Apart from the famous Angkor Wat, there are two other beautiful temples on the site, Bayon and Ta Prohm. Accommodation, as well as restaurants are available in the nearby town of Siemréab. Angkor is 245 km northwest of Phnom Penh.


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