Arch of Ctesiphon

Arch of Ctesiphon

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The Arch of Ctesiphon is 30 km south of Baghdad, on the eastern bank of the Tigris River. The city of Ctesiphon was originally built in the second century BC by the Parthian Persians, but there is very little left of its former glory nowadays. The only thing that remains relatively intact is a colossal arch, which is thought to have once formed part of a great banqueting hall. Experts believe that it is the widest, single-span vault in the world. Even when the Tigris flooded in 1987 and destroyed almost all of the rest of the building, the Arch of Ctesiphon survived.

The arch can be visited on day trips from Baghdad.

Because of the current situation in Iraq it is not recommended to travel to Arch of Ctesiphon, or any other destination in Iraq at this moment.


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