Bahariyya Oasis

The Bahariyya Oasis is situated on an ancient branch of the Nile. There is still an underground supply of water that is being used to develop the area. It is a very large oasis that includes four villages, of which Bawiti is the largest.

There are hot springs in Bawiti, as well as in Bir al Sukhna, 3 km north of town. More springs can be found at Bir al Mattar, 10 km away. The ruins of a temple and settlement from the 17th Dynasty can be visited as well. The Qarat al Firaki is a burial chamber for sacred birds. Some 140 km away are the white sand and rock formations known as the White Desert. Trips can be arranged from Bawiti.

Dress in a respectful manner, as people in the oasis have a traditional style of living that includes women being completely covered. The people are very friendly and there are only few tourists in the area. Make sure to have warm clothes with you if you stay overnight, as it gets very cold in the desert. There are several hotels and restaurants in Bawiti and the other towns in the oasis. Buses run between the oasis, Cairo and Assyut.

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