Bali Barat National Park

The Bali Barat National Park covers almost 20,000 hectares (49,400 acres) of coastal savanna, as well as 7000 ha (17,290 ac) of coral reef and coastal waters on Bali's western tip. Apart from some scattered trees on the savanna, there are patches of dense forest that include more than 200 species of plants. Animals that roam the Bali Barat National Park, include barking deer, black monkeys, buffalos, iguanas, Java deer, leaf monkeys, macaques, mouse deer, pythons, sambar deer, squirrels and wild pigs. There are also more than 200 bird species, including the marvelous Bali starling.

Some of the park's major attractions are its hot springs and the uninhabited Deer Island, which is excellent for scuba diving. Guided jungle treks are also available.

The park's headquarters is at Cekik, not far from the port of Gilimanuk. You can get to Cekik, by bus or bemo from Gilimanuk. Gilimanuk has bus connections with Denpasar, while ferries run between Gilimanuk and Banyuwangi on Java. Bali Barat National Park is 900 km east of Jakarta.


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