Banda Aceh

Banda Aceh

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Banda Aceh, on Sumatra's northernmost point, is a relaxing, friendly place with a rich history, although some violence occurs at times, as the Free Aceh Movement continues to fight for an independent Islamic state. The Aceh province is Indonesia's most staunchly Muslim and is run under Islamic law, although indigenous groups also embrace animism. Offerings and rituals continue to play an important part in their lives. Because of its northern location, Banda Aceh has always been an important trading port and as a result, the city's population is a mixture of Indonesian, Arab, Tamil, Chinese and indigenous groups. The people in Banda Aceh are generally taller than those in other parts of Indonesia.

One of the city's major landmarks is the Grand Mosque. Interesting sights around Banda Aceh include the nearby island of Pulau We, with its laid-back atmosphere and the deserted beaches of the rugged west coast. Further south is the Gunung Leuser National Park. Organized excursions to the park are available in Banda Aceh.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Banda Aceh. The city is 1775 km northwest of Jakarta and 435 km northwest of Medan.

Most of the city was destroyed in the aftermath of an earthquake and resulting tsunami on Sunday 26 December 2004.

Warning: Anyone traveling to Aceh should check the safety situation with their embassy in Jakarta as there has been a resurgence of violence since April 1999, by the Free Aceh Movement fighting for an independent Islamic state in the region.


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