Belavezhskaja Pushcha Nature Reserve

The Belavezhskaja Pushcha Nature Reserve protects some 1300 km² (507 sq miles) of primeval European forest. It stretches north from the town of Kamenyuki, which lies some 50 km north of Brest. Parts of the park are in Poland, which administers it jointly with Belarus.

There are more than 50 mammal species in the park, including beaver, boar, deer, elk, European bison, ermine, lynx, marten, mink, otter, wild horse and wolf badger. The European bison was almost extinct in the 1920's, but now there are more than 1000 of them in the reserve.

Some of the animals, such as bison, deer and boar can be seen in an enclosure and there is also an interesting nature museum.

It is possible to get to the park by bus from Brest, but only several buses ply the route every day, so it is probably better to take your own vehicle if you get a permit for that. Belavezhskaja Pushcha Nature Reserve is 280 km southwest of Minsk.


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