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Camden was settled in the Delaware River in 1681. In 1834, the Camden and Amboy Railroad was opened, connecting Camden with New York. That spurred Camden's growth as a commercial, shipbuilding and manufacturing center. In 1858, Richard Esterbrook opened a steel-pen factory in the city. The Campbell canned-foods company began here in 1869, while electronics, steel, oil and chemicals were important in the 20th century. By the 1960's, however, weakened industries were closing or departing and Camden was gradually left with pollution, high unemployment and urban decay, which lead to widespread poverty and crime. Government corruption was also a problem in the late 20th century.

Two of the most popular sights in Camden are Walt Whitman's home and the New Jersey State Aquarium, which was opened in 1992. You can also visit the Battleship New Jersey, which is berthed on the Camden Waterfront. The city has a branch of Rutgers University. The Benjamin Franklin Bridge was built in 1926 and the Walt Whitman Bridge in 1957. They both connect Camden with Philadelphia, on the other side of the river. Ferries operate on the Delaware River between Camden and Penn's Landing in Philadelphia.

There are numerous hotels and restaurants in Camden. The city is a port on the Delaware River opposite Philadelphia. It is in the west of New Jersey, 50 km southwest from Trenton and 190 km northeast from Wasington D.C.

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