Choskhor Valley

The Choskhor Valley in Bhutan's Bumthang region boasts several important dzongs, temples and palaces, including Byakar Dzong (Jakar Dzong), the largest dzong in Bhutan. Its circumference is about 1500 m (4920 feet) and it was founded in 1549. Byakar Dzong is situated in the village of Jakar at the end of the Choskhor valley. Another interesting sight in the vicinity is Wangdichholing Palace, the former palace of King Uygen Wangchuck.

Further down the valley is the temple of Jambey Lhakhang, which was built in 659. Every year, in October, the Jambey Lhakhang Drup festival is held there. The festival is one of Bhutan's most spectacular happenings. Kurjey Lhakhang consists of three buildings, the oldest of which dates from 1652. In a cave inside the oldest building, one can see the body print of Guru Rimpoche. Kurjey Lhakhang is named after this body print.

There is only little accommodation in the Choskhor Valley. The area is about 100 km east of Thimphu.


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