
Cyrene is the best-preserved Greek city from the ones of Cyrenaica. It is Libya's second important historic site, surpassed only by the Roman ruins at Leptis Magna. There are numerous temples, tombs and agora at Cyrene, as well as a gymnasium and theatre, built in the same style as the ones at Delphi.

The ruins are spread out over a large area and excavations are still underway, so you will see many statues and mosaics covered by vegetation and sand, but enough of the old city has been unearthed to give you a good impression of its original grandeur. The site is large enough to keep you busy for a day or so. Cyrene is included in the world-heritage list.

Since only few people visit the site there are hardly any facilities. Cyrene is often referred to as Shahhat. It sits on a bluff overlooking the sea, about 825 km east of Tripoli.


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