Dakhla Oasis

The Dakhla Oasis is the area around the towns of Mut and Al-Qasr, 550 km southwest of Cairo. There are more than 600 natural springs and ponds in the oasis. Between the towns of Mut and Al Qasr there are some hot sulphur pools.

In the medieval town of Mut you will find a labyrinth of streets lined with mud brick houses. The town lies on the slopes of a hill. On top of the hill are the ruins of an old citadel that used to house the entire town in the past. From the hill there are good views over the area. The Islamic cemetery is not far from the town center and there are also various hot sulphur springs scattered around town.

Al-Qasr is a very small town, 25 km north of Mut. There are narrow streets that are covered to protect the town's inhabitants and animals from the summer heat and sandstorms. Much of the traditional architecture is completely intact and the names of the homeowners are often inscribed in lintels above the doors. Some of the oldest parts of town date back to 924 AD.

Daily buses connect the Dakhla Oasis with Cairo.

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