De Randstad (The Randstad)

Because The Netherlands is one of the world's most densely populated countries, distances between cities are very short and often settlements border each other. The Randstad is an area in the west of the country that boasts an entire 'ring' of cities and towns, of which most are nearly interconnected. Randstad means 'Ring City', as in its center is the so-called 'Green Heart' (Groene Hart), which consists mostly of agricultural lands.

There are numerous bulb fields in the Green Heart that become very colorful in the spring months of March, April and May. The best way to explore the fields' looks and smells is by bike.

One of the most magnificent places to see all sorts of plants and flowers is De Keukenhof, just south of Haarlem. During the short 2 months a year when the flowers bloom, De Keuken hof is visited by almost a million people every year.

Some of the most interesting cities in the Randstad include Amsterdam, Haarlem, Den Haag ('s-Gravenhage, the Hague), Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.

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