
Diu was a Portuguese colony until 1961 and the island has a truly European appearance. Many buildings have wooden balconies and there are several churches. The island is separated from the mainland by a narrow channel.

It is a long train or bus ride to come to Diu, but the long journey makes up for the scenery and monuments of Diu. The massive fort was built by the Portuguese. Building material for the fort, as well as the city walls and numerous other buildings on the island, limestone was used and all over Diu you can still see the quarries from which the enormous quantities of limestone were removed.

The island is arid and windy, the northern side consists is tidal marsh and saltpans, while the south of the island has cliffs, coves and nice beaches.

Accommodation is available in the town of Diu. Buses run between Diu and Veraval and Bhavnagar, while train run from Sasan Gir and Junagadh to Una, some 10 km from Diu. The last part of the trip can be made by bus or auto-rickshaw. Diu is 1055 km southwest of Delhi.

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