Domat al-Jandal

In the town of Domat al-Jandal are two of Saudi Arabia's most interesting sights: the ruins of Qasr Marid and the mosque of Omar.

The Nabataeans built the fortress of Qasr Marid on a strategic crossroads of several trading routes. Later the town started developing around it.

The Mosque of Omar is said to have been founded around 650 AD. Over the centuries the building has been amended several times and since it is still in use, it is off-limits to non-Muslims.

The Jof Regional Museum in Domat al-Jandal has exhibitions on Saudi Arabia's flora and fauna, as well as the development of Arabic script and the domestication of the camel. Several displays focus on Domat al-Jandal itself.

There are some hotels and restaurants in Domat al-Jandal. The best way to get there is by own means of transportatio. Domat al-Jandal is in the north of the country, 880 km northwest of Riyadh.


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