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Dushanbe is a very nice looking city. It has many broad avenues, lined with trees and pale, oriental looking buildings. Dispite of that, there is little of interest in Dushanbe and especially at night it is a dangerous place to wander around.

Most activity takes place around the covered Barakat market, but there are not many useful things on sale. It is like most of the bazaars in the capital; people just sell whatever they think anyone might give them some money for.

Much more interesting is Dushanbe's Museum of Ethnography, where Tajik traditional art is on display, including pottery, carpets, jewelry and musical instruments. The Tajikistan Unified Museum has exhibitions on the country's history, natural history and art. The Ayni Opera & Ballet Theatre has a beautiful interior and the performances there are excellent.

There are several hotels and restaurants in the city. Remember to never venture out on the streets at night and keep your hotel room locked at all times.


Miscellaneous Information

Latitude:    38 38 N
Longitude: 68 51 E
Elevation:  n/a

Population: 800,000
Cost-of-living compared to Washington D.C.: n/a

Hours from UTC: 5
Daylight savings time: n/a

City phone code: 3772
Country phone code: 7

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