
If you enter Equatorial Guinea from Cameroon, Ebebiyin, the second-largest town in Rio Muni, is probably the first place that you will come to. It lies in the far northeast corner of Rio Muni and it is very small, only about a mile or so across. The main business in the town seems to be serving alcohol, as there are bars everywhere.

If you are not an alcoholic, you can always travel to the Museum of Biyabiyan about 20 km (12.5mi) west of the Ebebiyin. The exhibition consists of traditional Fang sculptures and other works of local art.

Minibuses run from Bata to Ebebiyin daily. The distance is only about 200 km, but the trip can take up to 10 hours. Ebebiyin's sister town is Kye Ossi on the other side of the border in Cameroon.

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