
Fada is a small oasis town, 680 km northeast of n'Djamena. Its 5000 inhabitants live in a beautiful area, where some grottos containing 5000 year-old rock paintings and strangely shaped rock formations of which the Guelta d'Archei is the most famous one, are the main attraction. The Guelta d'Archei is 50 km (30 miles) east of town.

The best way to get to Fada is with your own 4WD, but if you don't happen to have that with you, you can always try hitching with trucks. The trip from the capital may take three to five days. If you use your own transportation you will have to find a guide (in Kouba) to help you through the desert. If you come to Fada from the south you will see old Libyan tanks rusting away in the desert.


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