
Flores is the capital of Guatemala's northeastern department of El Petén. Flores lies on an island on Lago de Petén Itzá. A 500 m (1640 feet) long causeway connects it with Santa Elena on the lakeshore. The hill in the center of the island contains Flores' central square, around which the town's church and most of its government offices are situated.

Flores was founded by the Itzáes and it was one of Guatemala's last functioning Mayan ceremonial sites during the time of the Spanish conquest. Originally there was a pyramid in town, as well as several temples and images of gods, but they were all destroyed by the Spanish soldiers.

Nowadays, boat trips to settlements around the lagoon and excursions into the surrounding jungle are the main source of income for Flores' inhabitants. Visits to the limestone caves of Actun-Can can be arranged in Flores as well.

There are several hotels and restaurants in town. Flores is 265 km north of Guatemala City.

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