Galilea (The Galilee)

The Galilee is the region where most of the events, described in the Bible, are to have taken place. As a result the region attracts numerous pilgrims and tourists. There are many lush valleys, forests, areas of fertile farmland and the Sea of Galilee, also known as Lake Tiberias.

There are several interesting towns in The Galilee, of which Nazareth and Tiberias receive most visitors.

The Galilee is also home to Beit She'an, Israel's largest archaeological site. Excavated ruins include a Roman amphitheatre, Byzantine baths, a temple and a colonnaded Roman street. The site is just off the main route between Jerusalem and Tiberias.

Because of the current situation in Israel it is not recommended to travel to Galilea (The Galilee), or any other destination in Israel at this moment.

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