
Gujarat has long been an important center for Jainism, but it was also home to Krishna and Gandhi. The state is one of the wealthiest in India and boasts industrial complexes, small town handicrafts and tourist areas with beautiful beaches. Gujarat is also home to the world's several hundred last remaining Asiatic lions. The state is also known for its Gujarati Ice Cream.

During the 13th century Muslims destroyed many of the regions religious temples, but later an amalgamation of Muslim, Jain and Hindu architecture, unique in the world, was achieved. The area has been in the hands of Moghuls, Marathas, the British and the Portuguese, who held on to the island of Diu until 1961. The state of Gujarat covers 196,000 kmĀ² in western India and Gandhinagar is its capital.

Places to Visit

Interesting places in Gujarat, apart from the capital include the cities of Ahmadabad, Bhuj, Junagadh, Palitana and the town of Somnath, as well as the island of Diu and the Sasan Gir Lion Sanctuary.


Ahmadabad is the region's major transportation hub. Buses connect most towns with each other, but they vary in quality from upgraded meat wagons to luxurious air-conditioned coaches. The cities of Palitana, Kutch and Jamnagar lie on the railway line that runs from Delhi to Mumbai (Bombay).

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