Isla de la Juventud

The Archipiélago de los Canarreos consists of some 350 island, most of which are not much larger than rocks sticking out of the sea. Isla de la Juventud is the largest island in the archipelago by far. Large parts of the island are flat and the Ciénaga de Lanier, Cuba's second-largest swamp is situated there.

The town of Nueva Gerona, in the north of the island, is the regional capital and the archipelago's administrative center, but otherwise Isla de la Juventud is sparsely populated. Isla de la Juventud was once known as Parrot Island and pirates like Francis Drake, John Hawkins, Thomas Baskerville and Henry Morgan used it as their base. The famous book of Treasure Island was inspired by the island.

The pace of life on the island is slow and the economy mainly turns on cattle ranching and grapefruit plantations. Most visitors come to Isla de la Juventud for its marvelous, scenic surroundings. At Punta del Este are several caves that include Indian cave paintings, while scuba diving is superb near Punta Frances, along the Pirate Coast. At the coral keys east of the island you can see countless turtles, iguanas and pelicans.

Accommodation is available in Nueva Gerona. The town is 145 km south of Havana. Isla de la Juventud can be reached by boat or by plane from the Cuban 'mainland'.


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