Isla Grande

The Caribbean island of Isla Grande is only 7 km² (3 sq miles) in size, but it is absolutely stunning. It is inhabited by about 300 people from African descent and the main economical activities are fishing and coconut selling.

Only very few tourists visit the island and there are not many facilities available. If you want to go scuba diving you will have to bring your own gear, but boats can be rented on the island. Some of the most interesting events include the local festivities of San Juan Bautista on June 24, when canoe and swimming races are held and the day of the Virgen del Carmen, on July 16, which is marked by a land and sea procession. Carnival is celebrated before Ash Wednesday and involves fêted Calypso dancing and songs.

Isla Grande is off the coast from Portobelo, some 75 km north of Panama City.

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