Islas Canarias (Canary Islands)

The paradisiacal Canary Islands are probably Spain's most popular tourist destination. The constant annual temperature and the marvelous beaches attract thousands of visitors every year. The Canaries include the 7 larger islands of El Hierro, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Gomera, La Palma, Lanzarote and Tenerife, as well as the smaller islands of Alegranza, Graciosa, Lobos, Montaña Clara, Roque del Este and Roque del Oeste.

One of the archipelago's unique features is that each of the islands' landscape is radically different from the others. Already during Greek times, the Canary Islands were reported and referred to as the 'Happy Islands', although names as 'Garden of the Hesperides' and 'Atlantida' were also used. Some historians argue that the legendary continent Atlantis was located there. The islands' original inhabitants are known as Guanches. They are quite tall and of white skin.

The Canary Islands were one of the places where Christopher Columbus stopped on his way to discover the New World. In 1496 the islands became part of the Spanish kingdom.

The Comunidad Canaria includes the provinces of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The archipelago extends some 7.500 kmĀ². Accommodation is widely available on all the large islands.

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