Jibal an Nuba (Nuba Mountains)

This region around the Nuba Mountains is very scenic. The resident Nuba tribe has managed to maintain many of its traditional ways, even though the government has a campaign under way to clothe them. You can watch the tribal dances and violent wrestling matches.

There are several interesting towns in the area, inlcuding El Odaiya, Heiban, Kadugli and Rashad. Transportation in the region is unreliable and the roads are very bad, so take enough provisions with you, as you never know how long it takes before you'll be able to get out of there. The Nuba Mountains are about 500 km southwest of Khartoum.

Because of the current situation in Sudan it is not recommended to travel to Jibal an Nuba (Nuba Mountains), or any other destination in Sudan at this moment.


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