Kabalega National Park

Kabalega National Park covers 3900 km² in the northwest of Uganda. Most of the wildlife was wiped out by the troops of Idi Amin and later those of Okello, as well as poachers, but you will still be able to see buffalos, crocodiles, elephants, giraffes, hippos, kongoni, orbi and Ugandan kobs. The Murchison falls and Karuma falls on the Victoria Nile are well worth a visit. Paraa is a good place to arrange trips on the Victoria Nile. There you can also swim in the river, but beware of crocodiles and hippos. Some basic accommodation is available at Paraa. The town of Pakwach at the northern end of the park is a good place to stay, as it has connections to many other towns in Uganda, as well as accommodation.

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