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Kamakou is Molokai's highest peak. The 1490 m (4961 feet) high mountain is usually shrouded in clouds and features in many ancient Hawaiian myths. According to one legend, women used to hike up to the top with the afterbirth of their babies and bury it. They believed that this would make their children reach great heights in life. Trips to Kamakou are usually made in 4WD vehicles, but progress can be very slow.

At an altitude of 1080 m (3600 feet) you will pass the Waikolu Lookout, which offers marvelous views over waterfalls, sea cliffs, offshore islands and the ocean. If you continue climbing you will come to the Kamakou Preserve, the pristine rainforest at the top of the mountain. It boasts more than 250 species of native plants, as well as some of Hawaii's rarest birds. Visitors must check in and out of the preserve and at times the park is closed altogether. There are signs about that at the entrance of the park. The best hiking trail up Kamakou is the Pepeopae Trail. It features a boardwalk that arches over the Pepeopae bog. If you like a more extreme way up, you should try the rougher Hanalilolilo Trail.

Mount Kamakou is in the east of Molokai, some 100 km east of Honolulu.

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